
Beautiful St Clair Beach

St Clair beach is a white sand beach just a few minutes away from the centre of Dunedin city in New Zealand.

Beautiful St Clair Beach
Beautiful St Clair Beach

It is a popular surf spot, famous among the surfing community for easy parking, great vantage spots and a fine selection of cafes and restaurants nearby.

A glorious sun rise or dreamy moon rise are much photographed images of St Clair that captivate photographers from all around the world

sunrise at st clair beach
Sunrise at St Clair Beach

The iconic St Clair poles are an important and beloved feature of this beach. Not a jetty, they were once a sand trap groyne that built up sand for 100 years.

st clair beach 1990 with groyne and sand
St Clair Beach about 1990 showing groyne with accumulated sand

The foreshore was much wider in the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s because in 1955 the sandtrap groyne was rebuilt which caused a great quantity of sand to accumulate on the beach thus protecting the dunes and esplanade seawall.